
Help the preservation of an historical monument, support the Greek community in Bucharest.
Help keep our church open

You can help us achieve our mission from anywhere in the world either through your time, financial contributions or a combination of both.
Become a Member
As a member, you get to vote and decide on our present and future.
There are two simple steps to becoming a member of FHC.
Click here for more details
No kind gesture is too small.
There are no minimum or maximum amounts. Everyone can donate according to their financial means.
Click here for more details
You can make a difference with your time and help us bring our programs to life.
Please let us know which of our programs you would like to support.
Click here for more details
Our immediate focus is on securing funding for the objectives below:
salary of the psalt(s)
cleaning and maintenance of the church and of its immediate surroundings
decorations and preparations for Holy Feasts
securing the performance of Holy Sacraments (baptisms, weddings, etc.)
promoting the church history and respecting the tradition of generosity of its founders
building repairs and restoration of damaged icons
Click to see the full list of objectives
Thank you!
Your contribution makes a world of difference in preserving this historical monument and in building the Greek community in Bucharest.
Οι ευχές μας εγκάρδιες και θερμές
για μια πνευματική, δημιουργική και
εκ Θεού ευλογημένη χρονιά, γεμάτη
Υγεία, Αγάπη, Ειρήνη και Ελπίδα!
Χαρείτε το νέο μας ημερολόγιο για το έτος 2020 με συλλεκτικές φωτογραφίες της ιστορίας της Eκκλησίας του Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου.
Για παραγγελίες παρακαλούμε επικοινωνείστε μέσω messenger ή στο 0744911522. Κόστος 50 RON