
Transparency is a founding principle of the association. We embody this in our daily operation, communication with our members and supporters, and compliance with Romanian laws.
To find out more about our articles, by-laws, current short-term objectives, and financial stewardship, we invite you to take a journey through this section.
Incorporation & Articles
The Association of the Friends of the Hellenic Church of Bucharest was legally established in April 2017 by four founding members:
- Mrs. Danai Stampouli
- Mrs. Ioana Valvis
- Mr. Gerasimos Vergotis
- Mr. Roccos Cosmatos.
The registered office of the Association is provided gratis by one of the founding members.
Please click here for “Certificat Inscriere Persoana Juridica”.
Management & Control
The Association is administered by a 3-member Board of Directors (BoD) which is controlled in turn by ordinary and special Meetings of the Members of the Association.
The BoD is elected for a 3-year turn. Its current officers are:
- President – Mrs. Stampouli, Danai
- Secretary – Mr. Cosmatos, Roccos
- Treasurer – Mr. Vergotis, Gerasimos
Management responsibilities and proceedings at Members’ Meetings are governed by the Association By-laws.
The accountants of the Association are BG Conta SRL.
We are looking for volunteers to take over some of the day-to-day administrative tasks that will be necessary in keeping the church open, keeping members and donors up-to-date with our progress and help materialize our objectives.
Current Budget
More than 80% of funds are allocated to fulfilling the scope and primary objectives of the Association.
The balance of funds covers some unavoidable and mandatory overheads such as registry taxes, VAT (not deductible for the Association), accounting and audit.
Our first budget for 2017 includes some one-time incorporation and set-up fees.
Our By-laws regulate explicitly the priority with which the association should deploy its financial resources.
There is a strict sequence of funding needs that the BoD should adhere to.
This mirrors the hierarchy of our objectives.
The Objectives of the Association, in order of priority, are the following:
a) finance, within the limits of its budget certain expenses, namely:
- salary of the psalt(s) and priests (if needed in future)
- cleaning and maintenance of the church and its courtyard
- decorations and preparations for church Feasts
- promotion of the church history and the legacy of its founders,
- building repairs and preservation of the church interior;